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Twinkle Twist

Twinkle Twist
The Twinkle Twist is a waiting room light for a pediatrician  office that specializes in treating kids with disabilities, transforming the waiting experience for the young patients.

With its playful design and innovative functionality, the Twinkle Light is more than just a light; it’s a source of wonder and distraction for children awaiting their appointments. 

Mounted on a sleek pole, this dynamic lamp features a rotating mechanism that spins a mesmerizing pattern of lights on the walls, captivating young minds and turning waiting time into an engaging adventure.

Parents can relax knowing their little ones are happily entertained by the magical display, effectively reducing anxiety and boredom during what can often be a stressful time. 

Twinkle Light­—where every moment becomes a delightful journey of imagination.
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Twinkle Twist

Twinkle Twist
